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Senior Artist Spotlight: Eva DiSanto

Who is Eva?

I am 17 years old and a senior.

What does Eva like?

My favorite song is “Peace of Mind”- Boston

How did you become an artist? How long have you been practicing?

I have been practicing art since childhood; however, I had only gotten serious about it in high school. I used to make cartoon drawings in elementary school that I sketched in my “doodle” notebook, but to consider that practicing would be a gross exaggeration. I still have that notebook and laugh at it sometimes.

What inspires your work and creative philosophy?

Whenever I make a new piece, I am determined to make it better than the previous one. Realistically, that doesn’t always happen- but it is great motivation to be in constant competition with oneself.

What is your favorite medium? Why?

I don’t have one favorite medium as they are all useful depending on the content of the piece. I do have a least favorite, and that is colored pencil. I like pen, graphite, and charcoal because I enjoy capturing fine detail with those mediums. I like the fast pace of pen and charcoal as well. Pen is the most convenient because it is easily accessible.

What do you like most about being an artist?

There are always opportunities for growth, as I am not even close to where I want to be. Still, I remember how nervous I was at my first OA art show because I never thought that I could be like the Art 4 students- now I’m one of them. I would love to make work with deeper meaning, which is outside of my comfort zone as of now. It is exciting to know that people can gain something from what you put on paper or a canvas. Some things simply cannot be said in any other way.

What does your art mean to you?

That is a near impossible question to answer. It’s not as glamorous as it may seem. It requires tedious work through trial and error, and it is definitely worth it.

What are you working on now?

I am working on an oil painting for school and a commission project outside of school. The oil painting is a commentary on technology dependence.

Is there a certain theme you tend to portray in your artwork?

I am a big fan of close-up texture and I tend to draw near to that whenever I can. A common theme in my work is focusing on the small, seemingly insignificant details. However in art, no detail is ever insignificant. A goal of mine is for the viewer to appreciate the “little things” in life that they might otherwise overlook.



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