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The English Teacher

This is based of the novel The Canterberry Tales. The class picked the culture of the school and each student picked someone to describe in the school. Each student had to have in there prologue: 30 lines, be in iambic pentameter (ten syllables per line), use heroic couplets and have at least two allusions.

By Audrey Jones

The kind female English Teacher was stern. Her motto to teach and students to learn. The clean clothes she wore were fit for a queen. Just like Lady Macbeth who was evil and mean. Her elegance was present in her voice. By the wise vocab that she taught by choice. Adventure into her classroom and find, reading quizzes and long papers assigned. That pal, MLA was the gospel truth. Writing was a revelation to youth. So students formed thesis’s loudly, But “What is this about?” she sang proudly. She read stories from Shakespeare to Wilde. The AP students were somewhat beguiled. Literary terms will surely impress, Those AP graders to shout aloud "yes!" “This is Satire” she said with a grin. Never forget since it is a huge sin. Those pesky contractions mustn't be used, The English Teacher will surely accuse. Don't use personal pronouns or you’ll die. The English Teacher never told a lie. Do not forget to raise your hand often, Or she will put your grade in a coffin. Her foe was time, who rung that fatal bell, That halted her lengthy speeches from hell. On a paper do not ever expect, An A plus, you’re more likely to infect. One more crucial lesson she has for you. Today’s fifteen page paper is now due.

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